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    MSME re registration process for micro, small and medium enterprise


    MSME re registration process for micro, small and medium enterprise | 17 Sep, 2021

    MSME re registration process for micro, small and medium enterprise

    Good news for MSMEs in India came when the Union Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises declared a new way to identify and classify MSMEs. It is known as Udyam Registration. MSMEs need to register on a government portal which issues a certificate of recognition and a unique number. The registered company would be called Udyam after it gets the certificate. The registration can be done through the Udyam Registration Portal. Company owners can register their business on the Udyam portal on the basis of self-declaration.

    Businesses who have been registered under UdyogAadhaar need to re-register under Udyam and get a permanent unique identity. It is important that you get the Udyam Registration Certificate for your business. The process of re-registering your business is fairly simple. You call follow the steps given below and re-register your business easily:

    1: VisitUdyam Registration portal.

    2: Get unique identification number for registration.

    3: Fill out correct information in the form after entering the UdyogAadhaar Number.

    4: Make your payment online.

    5: Let your application get processed by one of the executives.

    6: Receive yourUdyam certificate in your email address within 2 hours.

    To complete the re-registration, you need a set of documents which are given below:

    • Name of the organization
    • Type of organization
    • National Industrial Classification Code
    • Company owners name and Aadhar number
    • PAN number
    • Current address
    • Bank account details of the owner
    • Owners Email ID and mobile number
    • Details previous registration
    • Number of total workers employed at your organization

    Udyam re-registration might seem a bit lengthy given the complicated process and lengthy steps. But it is simple and easy when you have a trusted partner helping you along the way. National Tenders is known for its client friendly approach and an end to end service. It has a dedicated team for Udyam registration which is at your service 24/7.Re-register on Udyamwith National Tenders. Contact us now.