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NTID 39734974
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Work No 06 Gram Kirra Khurja M, Bulandshahr - Tender Details
Bulandshahr Development Authority
Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, India
NTID 39734974
- Opening Date : Tue 15th April, 2025
- Closing Date : Mon 14th April, 2025
- ₹ 15177000.00
- NTID 39734974
Tender Description
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BOQ Items Total Items : 23 | Total Qty : 28881
# | Item | Quantity | Units |
2 | Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (Loam, clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50 M. and lead upto 30 M. and including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplusearth as directed by the Engineer-in-charge upto a distance of 30 M. from the foundation trenches. (Where machine can not reach/move). | 153.00 | Cum |
3 | Earth work in cutting 5Km or in embankment in ordinary soil excavation to be in the form of regular pits not exceeding 0.50 M.in depth and earth work in embankment to be in 20 cm. layers including remming and dressing the surface to required levels and slopes and also including 1.50 M. lift and 30 M. lead. The earth from cutting to be used in making embankment or to be deposited as spoil banks with-in 30 M. distance as directed by the Engineer incharge. excluding Royallity. Wherever applicable for small work or Abadi area. (Where machine con not reach/move) | 7826.00 | Cum |
4 | Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade M-25 of specified diameter and length below the pile cap, to carry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by percussion drilling using Direct mud circulation (DMC) or Bailer and chisel technique by tripod and mechanical Winch Machine all complete, including removal of excavated earth with all its lifts and leads (length of pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap). Note: Truck Mounted rotary/TMR/Tubewell boring machine shall not be used . 300mm dia piles | 1560.00 | Cum |
5 | Cement Concrete with 4 cm gauge approved stone ballast, coarse sand & cement in the proportion of 8:4:1 including supply of all materials, labour, Tools & plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. | 43.00 | Cum |
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