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Replacement Of Cgi Sheet Roofi, Shimla - Tender Details
Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation Limited
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
NTID 39791502
- Opening Date : Sat 29th March, 2025
- Closing Date : Sat 29th March, 2025
- ₹ 14169294.00
- NTID 39791502
Tender Description
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283500.00 -
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5000.00 -
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BOQ Items Total Items : 17 | Total Qty : 15016.27
# | Item | Quantity | Units |
1 | Dismantling steel work manually/ by mechanical means in built up sections without dismembering and stacking of useful materials in specified dimensions and disposal of unservicebale materials as per direction of the Engineer-In-Charge including carriage of materials within all leads, lifts and heights. | 404.60 | Per Kilogram |
2 | Extra for dismantling trusses, rafters, purlins etc. of steel work for every additional span of one metre or part thereof beyond 10 metres and stacking of useful materials in specified manners and disposal of unservicebale materials as per direction of the Engineer-In-Charge including carriage of materials within all leads, lifts and heights. | 404.60 | Per Kilogram |
3 | Dismantling roofing including ridges, hips, valleys and gutters etc., and including stacking of serviceable materials in specified manners and disposal of unserviceable materials as per the direction of Engineer-In-Charge of G.I. Sheet including carriage of materials within all leads, lifts and heights. | 2015.63 | Per Square Meter |
4 | Dismanlting wooden boardings in linning of walls and partitions, excluding supporting members but including stacking of serviceable materials in specified manners and disposal of unserviceable materials thikness above 25mm to 40 mm as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge including carriage of materials within all leads, lifts and heights. | 398.00 | Per Square Meter |
5 | Providing Sal wood work in frames of false ceiling, partitions etc. sawn and fixed in position with necessary stainless steel screws etc. as per direction of the Engineer-In-Charge including carriage of materials within all leads, lifts and heights. | 5.00 | Per Cubic Meter |
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