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- Department of Odisha University Of Agriculture And Technology
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NTID 39725577
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Renovation Of Museum With Tile, Bhubaneswar - Tender Details
Odisha University Of Agriculture And Technology
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
NTID 39725577
- Opening Date : Sat 29th March, 2025
- Closing Date : Wed 26th March, 2025
- ₹ 987556.00
- NTID 39725577
Tender Description
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BOQ Items Total Items : 16 | Total Qty : 2292.62
# | Item | Quantity | Units |
1 | Dismantling and removal of damaged 2.5 cm A.S. Flooring & stacking away derbisess 50 m lead including cost and conveyance of all materials labours T & P etc required for the work as per direction of engineer in charge. | 269.70 | Sqm |
2 | Dismantling of old damaged cement plaster from the wall surface and stacking away derbisess 50 m away from the work site including cost and conveyance of all materials labours T & P etc required for the work as per direction of engineer in charge. | 131.43 | Sqm |
3 | Scrapping and cleaning the old paint with scrappers, sand papering and washing with soap water or soda water from the wall surrface and ceiling surface including scafolding charges up to 5 m height including cost and conveyance of all materials labours T & P etc required for the work as per direction of engineer in charge. | 451.28 | Sqm |
4 | Providing pre-constructional anti-termite treatment by drilling 12mm dia holes at distance of 30cm@junction of wall and floor about 300mm apart deep engough to reach the soil below and chemical emulsion (premise, imidachlopried 30.5sc of bayer make mixed with 47.5 ltr water) pumped these holes to soak the soil 1 ltr solution of each hole as per manufactures specification and the holes sould be pluged the filling materials including cost of all materials, labours, T & P required for the work complete and the work is to be executed as per the direction of Engineer in charge. | 269.70 | Sqm |
5 | Providing and applying of two coat of priming with Sika Aromated -108 (anti corroosive rebar coating) @ 1.90Kg/Sqm over rust free reinforceing steal including cost, conveyance of all materials, sundries, T & P all labour etc complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. | 4.50 | Sqm |
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