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Providing Consultancy Services, Kutch - Tender Details
Explore tender information for Providing Consultancy Services in Kutch, including eligibility, deadlines, and bid specifics.
Kutch, Gujarat, India
NTID 39664927
Opening Date : Refer Documents
Closing Date : Mon 24th March, 2025
- ₹ 7676047.00
- NTID 39664927
Providing Consultancy Services To Study Techno Economical Feasibility And Carry Out Detailed Survey , Planning, Design And To Prepare Detailed Project Report To Utilize 1maf Water For Khadir (bhachau) Region (2nd Try)
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BOQ Items Total Items : 7 | Total Qty : 1573
# | Item | Quantity | Units |
1 | Surveying by DGPS including measuring of alingment of earthan dam/canal/proposed Checkdam/pipeline and creating the longitudinal section profile at 30mt interval/or closer as directed and plotting etc complete and computing L-section as directed by Engineer in charge and submission in A0 size paper 5 copies and soft copy. | 350.000 | Km |
2 | Fixing Centre line / Benchmark stone indicating chainage marked on it (or closer at apex points) Center line / Benchmark stone should dressed stone with size of 15x15x45cm the pit for Benchmark stone should be excavated 30 x 30 x 45 cm. in the ground. Chainage & R.L. Should be marked on the top of the stone.complete. | 1050.000 | No./Km |
3 | Carrying out soil investigation by drilling of 100 mm dia bore hole in all types of strata in dry and wet conditions with sites clearing of grass and trees wherever it is necesarry, by suitable required type Hydraulic feed Diamond core driling machine with triple tube core barrel for that strata including performing standard penetration test and collecting undisturbed soil samples for the labouratory test, supplying samples at GERI Gandhinagar / Vadodara/Any other Govt. approved laboratory as per instruction of EIC for 15m depth of BH for Pump House Location. (Excluding Testing Charges). | 45.000 | Rmt |
4 | Providing & Submission of lithological log and "L" type geological cross section of alignment with geological log sheet & Geological report duly verified by Dept. Geologist of each trial bore etc complete for 15m depth of BH for Pump House Location. Should be marked on the top of the stone. | 3.000 | Nos. |
5 | Carrying out soil investigation by drilling of 100 mm dia bore hole in all types of strata in dry and wet conditions with sites clearing of grass and trees wherever it is necesarry, demarcation of alignment by suitable required type of machine for that strata including performing standard penetration test and collecting undisturbed soil samples for the labouratory test, supplying samples at GERI Gandhinagar / Vadodara/Any other Govt. approved laboratory as per instruction of EIC for borehole 5m depth at every 2.5 km interval at proposed Pipeline Alignment for Soil Investigation (Excluding Testing Charges). | 60.000 | Rmt |

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