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Improvement To Canal Service R, Sambalpur - Tender Details
Explore tender information for Improvement To Canal Service R in Sambalpur, including eligibility, deadlines, and bid specifics.
Department Of Water Resources
Sambalpur, Odisha, India
NTID 39686368
Opening Date : Sat 29th March, 2025
Closing Date : Fri 28th March, 2025
- ₹ 16747997.00
- NTID 39686368
Improvement To Canal Service Road From Rd 1500m To Rd 7160m (left Bank Service) Of Sason Main Canal For 2024-25
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167480.00 -
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BOQ Items Total Items : 20 | Total Qty : 29626.05
# | Item | Quantity | Units |
1 | Clearing and grubbing land in canal slope work including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, sapling and trees girth upto 300mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable materials to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150mm in thick. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. | 900.000 | Sqm |
2 | Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil including hard moorum,stoney earth mixed with boulder (except sheet rock and boulder required blasting)with all lead ,lifts and delifts including dressing and levelling the bed & slope & depositing the excavated materials at places away from the work site with all leads,lifts and delifts including cost of all labour & dewatering if required and T&P required for the work etc.Complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. | 1423.240 | Cum |
3 | Filling in foundation and plinth with sand including watering and ramming with cost, conveyance, royalty etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. | 188.370 | Cum |
4 | Plain Cement concrete M-15 grade with CBHG coarse aggregate 40mm down graded metal of approved quality mixing by concrete mixture and placing manually,compacting with vibrator including cost of all materials,labour charges with all lead by mechanical means and placement within initial leads of 50m and initial lift of 1.50m for mixing concrete including conveyance, royalty & taxes etc. of all materials, T&P, watering & curing, B&O.C. Workers Welfare Cess etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. | 188.370 | Cum |
5 | Providing formwork for Concrete with F1 finish for upstream faces of dam,spillway ,glacis of barrages,unexposed surfaces of foundation .block joints etc.with steel shutters rigidly fixed and removal of forms and making good to the surfaces where necessary complete with all labour,materials and T & P etc.Complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. | 2784.600 | Sqm |

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