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Construction Upgradation R, Jammu - Tender Details
Municipal Administration Housing and Urban Development
Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
NTID 39807658
- Opening Date : Tue 8th April, 2025
- Closing Date : Mon 7th April, 2025
- ₹ 0.00
- NTID 39807658
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BOQ Items Total Items : 51 | Total Qty : 47
# | Item | Quantity | Units |
1 | Earth work in excavation by manual means in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed: All kinds of soil 1 meter from cutting edge | 1.00 | Cum |
2 | arth work in excavation by mechanical means (hydraulic excavator) in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed, within a lead of 50 metres: All kinds of soil : | 1.00 | Cum |
3 | Earth work in rough excavation, banking excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods, watering, rolling each layer with 1/2 tonne roller or wooden or steel rammers, and rolling every 3rd and top-most layer with power roller of minimum 8 tonnes and dressing up in embankments for roads, flood banks, marginal banks and guide banks or filling up ground depressions, lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m in all kinds of soil: | 1.00 | Cum |
4 | Removal of unhygienic materials (so classified by the site engineer) from designated sites and its disposal as per directions, all inclusive. | 1.00 | Cum |
5 | Demolishing cement concrete manually/by mechanical means including disposal of material within 50 meters lead as per direction of Engineer-incharge: 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix) | 1.00 | Cum |
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