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Construction Of Rigid Pavement, Tamenglong - Tender Details
Explore tender information for Construction Of Rigid Pavement in Tamenglong, including eligibility, deadlines, and bid specifics.
Public Works Department
Tamenglong, Manipur, India
NTID 39664992
Opening Date : Tue 25th March, 2025
Closing Date : Tue 25th March, 2025
- ₹ 0.00
- NTID 39664992
Construction Of Rigid Pavement With Thin White Topping In Tamenglong District Hq Roads (sh Improvement Of Tamenglong Town Road To C. Centre, Tamenglong)
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BOQ Items Total Items : 9 | Total Qty : 44115.37
# | Item | Quantity | Units |
1 | SH: (A) Construction of Rigid Pavement with Thin White Topping. | ||
2 | Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of scarified material with in all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres (i) Mechanical Means using Hydraulic excavator | 32395.00 | sqm |
3 | Providing, laying and compacting granular base / sub-base according to lines, grades and cross sections by using naturally occurred sand gravel/conforming to IRC-Grd-II of MOST specification free from organic or other deleterous constituent spread with motor grader and compacted by rolling with power roller of 8-10 capacity in layers not exceeding 150mm (spread thickness) i/c rolling of the road surface to proper level and grades 30 cm width edging on both side etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. | 1060.20 | cum |
4 | Cable Duct Across the Road (Providing and laying of a reinforced cement concrete pipe duct, 300 mm dia, across the road (new construction), extending from drain to drain in cuts and toe of slope to toe of slope in fills, constructing head walls at both ends, providing a minimum fill of granular material over top and sides of RCC pipe as per IRC:98-1997, bedded on a 0.3 m thick layer of granular material free of rock pieces, outer to outer distance of pipe at least half dia of pipe subject to minimum 450 mm in case of double and triple row ducts, joints to be made leak proof, invert level of duct to be above higher than ground level to prevent entry of water and dirt, all as per IRC: 98 - 1997 and approved drawings.) (i) Single Row for one utility service | 120.60 | m |
5 | Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub- base Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing. | 2429.63 | cum |

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