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    Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions for a Clear Understanding


    Q: What is tender?

    Answer: A tender is an invitation to bid for a project or accept a formal offer such as a takeover bid. Tendering usually refers to the process whereby governments and financial institutions invite bids for large projects that must be submitted within a finite deadline.

    Q: What is EMD?

    Answer: EMD stands for Earnest money deposit. This security instrument may be asked in form of Bank Guarantee, Demand Draft or Bankers cheque. It is asked for saving Authority from unwanted proposals and to secure themselves against a possible financial liability which may arise due to unwillingness of selected vendor to execute his commitments. The authority in that case earns that EMD amount if the selected vendor after tender process refuse to carry out work.

    Q. What is Tender Document?

    Answer: Tender Document stands for invitation sent to potential suppliers of a good or service to inform them about the information required for the buyer to choose among them. Issuing a tender document typically begins the tender process by which a business selects qualified and interested suppliers based on such things as their price, availability and proposed delivery terms.

    Q. What is n-procurement?

    Answer: N Procure is a portal where in more than 150 departments of Gujarat Government publish their requirement through this portal. nProcure is portal of (n)Code, provides e-Procurement services through its etendering tender portal www.nprocure.com which facilitates and manages e-tendering and e-auction published by Government of Gujarat. nProcure hosts, publishes and executes thousands of e-tenders for all departments of Govt. of Gujarat. (1) Bidders can download the tender document free of cost from the website. (2) Bidders have to submit Technical bid as well as Price bid in Electronic format only on nprocure website till the Last Date & time for submission. (3) Offers in physical form will not be accepted in any case. nProcure is chagable portal.

    Q. What is reverse auction?

    Answer: A reverse auction is an auction where the roles of a buyer and seller are exchanged, i.e. sellers bid prices instead of buyers. the auction is initiated by the Buyer and the Supplier bids in real time driving the price down. It is a type of competitive bidding conducted on reverse auction websites, which is suitable when the only point being negotiated between the Buyer and the Supplier is price.

    Q. Start-up Company can participate in tenders?

    Answer: Yes, there are many open available tenders in which any start-up can participate. Mainly it depends upon instruction mention in tender document. Government is also promoting startup to wrok with government. So there are many opportunities available for startup or new company as well.

    Q. What is EOI?

    Answer: EOI stands for Expression of interest. An Expression of Interest (EOI) is to gauge interest in tendering. It's a form of request to organisations or individuals to express an interest in providing particular goods or services, entering a lease agreement or other commercial arrangement.

    Q. Does EMD is refundable?

    Answer: Yes, EMD is refundable in a case if you are not awarded with tenders.

    Q. Does document cost is refundable?

    Answer: No its not refundable.

    Q. What kind of tenders is available on eprocure.gov.in?

    Answer: CPPP is Central Public Procurement Portal of Government of India. It can be accessed at https://eprocure.gov.in/cppp/. 2. ... The primary objective of this portal is to provide a single point access to the information on procurements made across various Ministries / Departments and all the organizations under them. The Central Public Procurement Portal of Government of India facilitates all the Central Government Organisations to publish their Tender Enquiries, Corrigenda and Award of Contract details. All the information of bid available here with documents. Bider not only can view or download document on CPPP. Many of tender submission is alsosceduling on same plateform. Registration is on this portal is absolutely free. But Digital Signature certificate is mendatory to access the portal for bidding.

    Q. Registration on nProcure is free or chargeable?

    Answer: It’s chargeable.

    Q. Registration on eProcure.gov.in is free or chargeable?

    Answer: It’s free.

    Q. What is difference between open tender and limited tender?


    Limited Tender : This type of tender is addressed to a limited number of suppliers, who are the reliable source of supply or empanelled with department.

    Open Tender : s open to all the suppliers within the country who can supply the required quantity and quality of materials. Such invitation is made by advertising in newspapers, journals etc.

    Q. Explain single bid system and two bid system?

    Answer: Single Bid - All documents with Price to be submitted in a single Envelope.

    Double Bid or 2 Bid Tenders - 2 Envelopes - 1 for Techno-commercial Documents and 2nd for Price.

    Evaluation happen on the basis of documents submitted in the Techno-Commercial Envelope. If, the bidder qualifies than only the Price Bid will be opened.

    If the bidder does not qualify, the Price Bid of the bidder will be returned or annulled

    Q. What stands for ePBG?

    Answer: Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) means monetary guarantee to be furnished by the successful tenderer for due performance of the terms of contract.

    Q. Is it possible for everyone to get participate in limited tenders?

    Answer: No, It’s not possible,

    Q. What stands for RFP?

    Answer: Request for Proposal, A request for proposal (RFP) is a business document that announces and provides details about a project, as well as solicits bids from contractors who will help complete the project.

    Q. What is DSC?

    Answer: Digital Signature certificate, (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical or paper certificates. ... Certificates serve as proof of identity of an individual for a certain purpose;

    Q. Difference between class-2 DSC and Class-3 DSC?

    Answer: Class2 DSC is generally used for filling ITR, GST etc. And Class3 DSC is used in eTendering.

    Q. Reseller can take part in Tendering?

    Answer: Yes reseller can also take participate in tender, with authorisation of principle OEM.

    Q. What is difference between security deposit and EMD?


    Earnest money deposit: To ensure that a Bidder does not submit a Dummy Bid or back out at time of tender opening, Department collects a small refundable fee from each bidder, which is called EMD. EMD is always in form of a Demand Draft & cheques or cash are strictly not allowed. EMD is returned when all Bids are opened & tender is awarded to other firm. In case Tender is cancelled, the EMD is returned. in case, your firm is the winning bidder, the said EMD shall be returned to you only after you complete the supply or you make a security deposit. After Bid is opened, if a Bidders refuses to take the contract, then his EMD is forfeited. EMD is generally less than 5% of the Tender Value.


    Security Deposit: Once it is decided that a Tender is awarded to a Bidder, he has to deposit a Security Deposit with the Buyers such that if he does not complete the task as per the work order, the Buyer can recover the loss by forfeitting his Security Deposit. For e.g. If a Bidders gets Rs.10 Cr contract to construct a Bridge withing 12 months , than he has to deposit a Security deposit of 10% i.e. 1 Cr with Buyers. Now if he does not complete the bridge on time or leaves it incomplete, the Department can forfeit his 1 Cr as penalty.

    Security Deposit can be in form of Bank Guarantee, National Saving certificates, Cash, etc. Only when the Winning Bidders makes the Security Deposit, he gets his EMD Back.