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    Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions for a Clear Understanding

    FAQ’s GEM Registration

    Q: What is GeM?

    Answer: GeM stands for Government eMarketplace, where buyers are all government departments.

    Q: Official website of GeM?

    Answer: it’s www.gem.gov.in

    Q. Any private company can register as buyer on GeM?

    Answer: No, it’s for only Government departments & PSU.

    Q. Are there any charges for seller for primary user registration on GeM?

    Answer: No, it’s free. GeM is not taking any primary registration charges.

    Q. Whose PAN would be require during registration on Gem?

    Answer: if your constitution type is company/firm/trust/Government, you need to provide the organisation PAN. Only if your constitution is Proprietorship, you need to provide the individual's PAN.

    Q. My firm is partnership firm whose aadhar number would be required during registration on GeM?

    Answer: Aadhaar number of the person who files the ITR for your organization would be required while registering on GeM.

    Q. I forget my password to access GeM portal, how can I reset it?

    Answer: Please follow following steps to reset your password on GeM portal:

    1. Kindly visit https://gem.gov.in/ and click on Login,

    2. Click on "Forgot your Password" link,

    3. Enter your User Id, kindly note that User Id is case sensitive,

    4. Type the Characters displayed in the captcha box, press SUBMIT,

    5. An E-mail will be sent to your registered E-mail ID with link to Reset password,

    6. Click on Reset Link in your E-mail, and Enter new password and confirm the same, Press SUBMIT.

    Kindly note that your Password must be of 8-20 characters- 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, number, and a special character.

    Q. Is it mandatory to offer minimum discount on MRP to get product listed on GeM and Why?

    Answer: Yes It’s, mandatory. For better Price reasonability across all categories, GeM mandates a minimum discount on MRP during product listing. Therefore, the Seller(s) are required to offer minimum discount on the product(s).

    Q. What’s the grievance mechanisam on GeM?

    Answer: GeM is commited for providing fair services for all the sellers. In case of any grievance related to deviation / concern related to buyers / sellers one can raise an Incident.

    Q. What is Startup Runaway?

    Answer: GeM provides an opportunity for agile and lean Startups to reach out to government buyers by offering products and services that are unique in concept, design, process and functionality through StartUp Runway corner

    Q. How can a startup register its innovative product/service on Startup Runway?

    Answer: Startup can register its innovative or unique in concept product/service on StartUp Runway by uploading the product details in the Seller Dashboard under #Startupindia link. The seller should be DPIIT (Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade) registered startup.

    Q. How can a MSE register on GeM?

    Answer: During registration on GeM, there is an option available for you to select your organisation as a MSE. Then you need to provide UAM and the mobile number or Aadhaar number linked with the UAM.

    Q. What is the benefit of registering as MSE?

    Answer: It is mandatory for all government buyers to purchase a certain percentage of products from MSE every year. Hence, if you are registered as MSME, you have the added benefit of sales.

    Q. How can a Startup register on GeM?

    Answer: During registration on GeM, there is an option available for you to select your organisation as a startup. Then you need to provide DIPP number and the mobile number linked with the DIPP number.

    Q. To register on GeM as a seller, do I require a DIPP number?

    Answer: DIPP number is required only for Startups.For any startup to register on GeM DIPP number and linked mobile number is mandatory.

    Q. How vendor rating works on GeM?

    Answer: Below five Parameters as defined in the Vendor Rating Policy.

    1. Reliability of the Seller/Service Provider

    2. Quality of the Delivery

    3. Coverage of the Products in GeM Marketplace

    4. Timely Delivery of Products/Services

    5. Incident History

    To know more, please refer the vendor rating document available on GeM under 'Resources->Sellers/service providers'

    Q. Who can see my vendor rating?

    Answer: The Vendor rating can be displayed to buyers and sellers on GeM, even its also visible visitor on GeM who visit product pages. (But company name is not visible for non login visitor)

    Q. Process of doing Vendor Assessment on GeM?

    Answer: As an OEM on GeM, you can initiate Vendor Assessment from your account profile by furnishing required information with respect to Vendor Assessment. This information would be collected through an online form and upon successful submission;


    1. Vendor Assessment agency would be assigned for the process.

    2. Any requirement for additional documents will be intimated directly by this agency. The required additional documents will be made available on the link provided in the e-mail sent to the vendors. Any updation or change in the status of the information validated at the time of registration or third party assessment shall be enabled for updation by the vendor from time to time with online validation wherever possible.

    Q. Vendor Assessment is on GeM mandatory for all the sellers?

    Answer: No, Vendor Assessment is not mandatory for all the sellers, its only mandatory for OEMs, unless they come under exempted category.

    Q. Which Vendors are exempted from Vendor Assessment?

    Answer: Vendor Assessment exempted below categories are:

    1. OEMs having annual turnover of Rs. 500 Crore or more.

    2. Central / State PSUs.

    3. Vendors of Stationery items (except paper) where average volume of transactions on GeM for the last three years is less than Rs. 20 lakh.

    4. KVIC, ACASH, WDO, Coir Board, TRIFED.

    5. OEMs who are registered with NSIC (for the category for which registration was obtained)

    6. OEMs holding BIS License for the particular product category which are validated through BIS database.

    7. Micro and Small Enterprises registered with District Industry Centre (DIC) for the particular product category whose credentials are validated through DIC database.

    8. ZED Certified Sellers

    Q. Who conducts vendor assessment?

    Answer: Vendor assessment is conducted by M/s Quality Council of India (QCI).

    Q. Is Vendor Assessment mandatory for all the sellers?

    Answer: No, Vendor Assessment is not mandatory for all the sellers,its only mandatory for OEMs, unless they come under exempted category.

    Q. How I can verified myself as an OEM on GeM?

    Answer: For verification as an OEM,

    1. login into GeM, go to My Account → OEM Panel.

    2. Under “Request OEM Authority for Brand” select your category and Brand.

    3. Upload relevant documents (Brand Ownership\Trademark documents), and click on Create Request.

    4. GeM team will verify the request and if validated, you will be granted OEM rights for the brand in the selected category.

    Q. Register email id for primary and secondary seller can be updated/changed on GeM?

    Answer: Yes, registered email id can be changed/updated. Seller can go to ''Profile Update'' under Seller Registration and can change the same.

    Q. Can I create secondary user under my account?

    Answer: Once Seller/Service Provider is registered and account is created on GeM, the Primary user of the Seller/Service Provider can create Secondary User Accounts within Seller/Service Provider Organization with different roles and responsibilities.

    Q. What is the procedure for creating secondary user under primary seller?

    Answer: A primary seller needs to follow the given steps for creating secondary users:

    1. Login to account and click on My Team

    2. Click on Add secondary user

    3. Enter email id of the person you have selected as a secondary user

    4. Assign roles to the user such as Participate Bid/RA, Manage Order Fulfillment, Manage Catalogue etc.

    5. Click on Add User

    Q. What is the procedure for secondary user activation ?

    Answer: Follow the steps to activate a secondary user are:

    1. Click on the activation link sent to the secondary user's mail id.

    2. Click on the "Verify me Now" link and provide Aadhaar number and mobile number linked with the Aadhaar number

    3. Verify Aadhaar by clicking on "Verify Aadhaar"

    4. Create a user id and password and click on "Create Account"

    Q. Can I change my User id?

    Answer: No User id once created neither edited nor deleted.

    Q. I cannot see my brand in the list for creating OEM request? What should I do so I can see?

    Answer: You can use the ‘Request New Brand’ option to request for creation of your brand in the category. Follow the steps on the screen to do so.

    Q. I am dealing in non Indian brand and manufacturer does not sell directly in India, but the OEM has authorized my company to represent the brand in India. How can I register as OEM on GeM?

    Answer: You can register on GeM as ‘Deemed OEM’ of the brand. In the OEM application process, in the upload documents section, kindly upload the pre-defined Deemed OEM Authorization Letter on OEM’s letterhead duly signed with all required details provided clearly.

    Q. What is EAN?

    Answer: EAN stands for European Article Number. This is a barcode standard, a 13 digit product identification code.

    Q. What is SKU?

    Answer: SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit. It is a product and service identification code.

    Q. Who can create a catalogue on GeM portal?

    Answer: Seller can create a catalogue on GeM. The secondary user can create a catalogue on GeM only if the primary seller authorizes him/her.

    Q. I want to upload my product on GeM. But not able to find a relevant category. What can I do?

    Answer: If the relevant category is not available on GeM , you may either wait for it to be added or you can ask the Buyer who uses your product to make a request to GeM for category addition.

    Q. How can I find right category for my product on GeM?

    Answer: For right category, you can search your product in the search box during the product upload process. Please read and understand the technical parameters of the category to ascertain that your product is best fitting the chosen category.

    Q. My brand is not available on GeM. What should I do?

    Answer: If your brand is not available on GeM, you can request for addition of new brand by clicking on "Add New Brand" option. Once it is approved, you will be notified.

    Q. Is it possible to upload a product without a brand?

    Answer: Yes, it is possible to upload a product without a brand by selecting the "Unbranded" or "NA"option.

    Q. Does BIS number mandatorily while uploading the product catalogue?

    Answer: For selected categories, it is mandatory for seller to provide BIS number while uploading the catalogue.

    Q. What are the mandatory documents that I must submit on GeM for selling my product as an OEM?

    Answer: As an OEM of your product,

    1. Please send supporting documents that you are an OEM to "upload.product@gem.gov.in" with the subject line "Brand OEM Documents".

    2. The email should mention details and include documents such as registered organization name, brand name(s), GeM product categories and brand ownership documents such as trademark and vendor assesment report.

    3. Also required to enter other information like SKU and HSN in the system.

    Q. Authorization documents are must for reseller to upload?

    Answer: Yes, it is must for a reseller to upload their authorization documents for the categories where OEMs list the product. Hence, resellers need to map themselves for the same.

    Q. Can I change the specifications of a product after uploading it?

    Answer: Once a product is published, you cannot change any specification apart from the offer price.

    Q. Is it possible to edit the product catalog after uploading?

    Answer: After product gets published it’s not possible to edit catalogue except stocks and price

    Q. Can a Brand be mapped to a product after it is published at the marketplace?

    Answer: No, Brand cannot be mapped against any product after the product is live in the marketplace.

    Q. What is MOQ?

    Answer: MOQ stands for Minimum Order Quantity. It refers to the minimum quantity in an order required by a seller to accept and fulfill the order.

    Q. What is UOM?

    Answer: UOM stands for Unit of Measurement. It refers to the unit by which the product is measured , Eg : pieces, kilograms, litres etc

    Q. How can OEM manage their resellers using the ‘Manage Resellers’ option in GeM?

    Answer: Resellers can be managed by uploading authorization codes. Go to ‘Manage Resellers’ in the relevant category/brand, which will open the OEM ReSellers Panel page. You can upload and view authorization codes on this page. Once you have uploaded authorization codes, share the same with your resellers. The Reseller would need to authorize themselves using the authorization code from the Reseller Panel on their ‘My Account page’. Once reseller is authorized, you can see reseller’s name against the authorization code on your OEM Panel.

    Q. Can I participate in an ongoing Bid for a product/service which has not been uploaded on GeM?

    Answer: Yes. You will have to check the Bid details and upload the product/service offering. Once the product/service is approved on GeM, you can participate in the ongoing Bid.

    Q. On what amount EPBG and EMD is applicable on GeM?

    Answer: If the estimated bid value is above Rs. 5 lakhs, EPBG is applicable and if the estimated bid value is above 25 lakhs, EMD is applicable. This is applicable for both, products and services.

    Q. Are Bids inclusive of GST?

    Answer: Yes, the offer submitted by the seller/service provider at the time of Bid participation is inclusive of GST.

    Q. What does "Buyer Payment Status: Orange" indicate?

    Answer: "Buyer Payment Status: Orange" is mentioned against those Buyers who have not released payments of more than 20 orders and CRAC has been generated for more than 70 days.

    Q. What does "Buyer Payment Status: Red" indicate?

    Answer: "Buyer Payment Status: Red" is mentioned against those Buyers who have not released payments of more than 30 orders and CRAC has been generated for more than 70 days.

    Q. Difference between Technical Offering & Financial Offering?

    Answer: Technical Offering : In this, sellers are required to submit their technical offering without quoting price. • Financial Offering : All sellers who are technically qualified will be invited to submit their prices and participate in the RA.

    Q. Can I accept or denied a Direct Purchase Order Placed on GeM

    Answer: Yes, you can accept or Reject the Direct Purchase order.

    Q. Within how much time period I am allowed to Accept or Decline an Order

    Answer: You must accept or decline an order within 3 Calendar days. Post expiry of 3 calendar days, the order is auto cancelled.

    Q. OEM Panel link is not visible in my panel. What should I do?

    Answer: Please complete your seller profile, kindly see some important checks that have to be green-

    1. Active bank accounts should be there.

    2. Office locations should be there.

    3. Tax Assessment details should be there for last 3 financial year.

    4. If the seller registered himself as a company, then CIN, directors info has to be there.

    5. Seller has to be vendor assessed or exempted from vendor assessment.

    Q. Can i create a catalog in CMS Q2 Category?

    Answer: Only OEMs can create catalogs in CMS Q2 categories. If you are an authorized reseller, you can still sell a product by pairing with the OEM's catalog in the category.

    Q. Difference between CMS Q3 and CMS Q4 categories?

    Answer: In CMS Q3 category, OEMs as well as Resellers can upload their catalog and sell on the market. In CMS Q4, any seller can upload their catalog and sell on the market.

    Q. What is the difference between CMS Q2 and CMS Q3?

    Answer: In CMS Q2, Resellers authorized by OEMs can only pair and sell on the marketplace. In CMS Q3, OEMs can create catalog and resellers can pair, also Resellers can create a catalog and OEM may approve it.

    Q. How can we download ITR form for Tax Assessment?

    Answer: Click here for Step process for download ITR Form