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    What Plan Should You Subscribe From National Tenders?


    What Plan Should You Subscribe From National Tenders? | 01 Apr, 2022

    What Plan Should You Subscribe From National Tenders?

    Are you confused about what plan to opt for to take your business to new heights? We are here to help. Read on and know which is the best suitable plan for you.

    With 15000+ tender submissions. 5275+ department registrations and 1758+ GeM registrations. National Tenders has grown over the years to become the top solution for all government tender-related queries.

    From GeM registration to tender bidding to tender information and results. National Tenders is your one-stop solution for all tender-related services since 2013. Working for more than 600 satisfied customers in different categories, National Tenders is a recognized and focused organization that works towards achieving your goal.

    At National tenders, we do intense research and categorize tenders from the enormous amount of data to find the right tenders for our customers. Users can visit our website or contact us for registrations, tender details, documentation, etc.

    At National Tenders, we offer various short-term and long-term plans as per user convenience to help us serve them better.

    For 1st time users, we offer a free trial period of 7 days after registration with a mobile number. This is a perfect option for someone starting a new business or exploring a new state.  The user then needs to enter a business keyword and select an appropriate state

    Our 1-year plan:

    If Your business idea is beginning and you want to weigh your options and see how the first year will look like, you could opt for this plan. If there is any unsurity regarding continuation, this would be the ideal fit. The plan includes:

    • 1 state plan – This will cost Rs. 2500 and it provides a tender info alert. Tender alert up to 2 emails. Give access to the tender information dashboard panel and tender results.
    • 5 state plan- The cost for this plan is Rs 4000 and it provides a tender info alert. Tender alert up to 4 emails. Give access to the tender information dashboard panel and tender results.
    • All India Plan – The cost for this plan is Rs 5500 and it provides a tender info alert. Tender alert up to 5 emails. Give access to the tender information dashboard panel and tender results.

    The 1-year plan for up to 2 pcs provides the following :

    For businesses that are settled and are looking at long-term selling and procuring and are regular users, this is an ideal plan. The plan offers more for a lesser amount and is suitable for long-term users who are here to stay. Taking this plan is more profitable than constantly renewing the plan.

    • This plan is priced at Rs 7000.
    • The user can take any desk option to get our help and support their general bid search in the tender bidding login portal, without having to share any personal details via email.
    • Website setting: Non-GeM for the tender purpose only
    • DSC mapping
    • DSC change request: Non GeM portal
    • Invoice and bill upload on GeM
    • EMD + Tender Fees + Processing fees payment: On portal
    • Other Pc system setting (software installation)- 2 Nos for tender purpose

    Our 2-year plan:

    We offer the same plans for 2 years as well:

    • 1 state plan – This will cost Rs. 3500 and it provides a tender info alert. Tender alert up to 2 emails. Give access to the tender information dashboard panel and tender results.
    • 5 state plan- The cost for this plan is Rs 6500 and it provides a tender info alert. Tender alert up to 4 emails. Give access to the tender information dashboard panel and tender results.
    • All India Plan – The cost for this plan is Rs 9000 and it provides a tender info alert. Tender alert up to 5 emails. Give access to the tender information dashboard panel and tender results.

    The 2 years plan up to 2 pcs provides the following :

    • This plan is priced at Rs 12500.
    • The user can take any desk option to get our help and support their general bid search in the tender bidding login portal, without having to share any personal details via email.
    • Website setting: Non-GeM for a tender purpose only
    • DSC mapping
    • DSC change request: Non GeM portal
    • Invoice and bill upload on GeM
    • EMD + Tender Fees + Processing fees payment: On portal
    • Other Pc system setting (software installation)- 2 Nos for tender purpose

    National tenders are dedicated to customer service and customer satisfaction. Contact us for personalized services and we will help you in the best way possible to gain maximum out of your online tendering process.