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    What is EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) by Mr. Nitin S.Jain, National Tenders in Hindi | Talk On Tenders


    What is EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) by Mr. Nitin S.Jain, National Tenders in Hindi | Talk On Tenders | 18 Aug, 2020

    What is EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) by Mr. Nitin S.Jain, National Tenders in Hindi | Talk On Tenders

    #EMD or Earnest Money Deposit - To ensure that a Bidder does not submit a Dummy Bid or back out at time of tender opening, Government Department collects a small refundable fee from each bidder, which is called EMD. EMD is always in form of a Demand Draft & cheques.

    Here in this video, you can get a brief idea on EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) and it's implications in Government Tenders, by founder of Nationaltenders.com - Mr. Nitin Jain.

    #EarnestMoneyDeposit #TalksOnTender #TenderKnowledge #SecurityDeposit


    Following questions are answered in this video:

    What is earnest money deposit?

    How earnest money deposit or EMD is used in tender, bidding process and real estate transactions?

    What is the token amount in real estate? How token amount is different from an advance in real estate transactions?

    What is tender security, security deposit, bid security, bid bond? What is the purpose of EMD, bid bond or bid security?

    What is RFP and what the full form of RFP? How EMD, tender security, security deposit, bid security, bid bond are submitted?

    What is the process of submitting the bid bond in government tenders?

    How EMD is used in tenders? What is the bidding process of government tenders?

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