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    What are steps for small businesses to win tenders?


    What are steps for small businesses to win tenders? | 19 Jan, 2023

    What are steps for small businesses to win tenders?

    Do you know what the biggest concern of a small business applying for tenders? They know where to apply but they do not know how to win.

    The most prominent difference between smaller and larger enterprises is the number of resources they have. This can really put smaller companies at a disadvantage when it comes to bidding for tenders. But this doesnot necessarily mean that there is no hope for them. If anything, the government is promoting more local enterprises to register and participate more in the bidding process. Government tenders are incredibly rewarding and are crucial to successful SME growth.

    Why should small businesses bid?

    To eliminate the larger risks and delay in the time of delivery, the workload is divided among the businesses based on their specialty. This division of workload helps a lot in cost effectiveness, and that’s where the small enterprises enter! The state government will always want to promote local enterprises. By doing this, they not only strengthen the trade in the area, but make the state more prosperous.

    Finding tender opportunities

    The first step to winning a bid is always about market research. Keeping a lookout and learning about your specific opportunity will keep you prepared. Once you find your tender,
    read the eligibility document and understand all the terms and conditions. It is necessary to make sure that you have enough resources to deliver what is needed.


    The government departments have a huge appreciation for punctuality. So, it is very important to be timely and display good proactive time management. Ensure that all the deadlines are met with that is involved with the bidding process. And if the requirements are met before the deadlines, the enterprise will be seen as efficient, hardworking, and have effective time management.

    Amplify the strengths

    All businesses have their strengths which they take pride in. It is very important to understand and highlight this point of strong assets in the bid for a tender. This will increase the chance of visibility for the company, and in turn, will increase the chance of winning the tender.

    Ask questions without hesitation

    Genius is not the one who has all the answers, but the one who asks the right questions. Tendering can be very confusing if you are new to it. Many questions pop in the head all the time, and it is very normal. Ask questions to the intended department that you want to work with. This way, not only the queries and doubts go away, but also the other party with whom you are going to sign the contract will see how you are so carefully considering your bid and are really interested in working with them. By asking questions, you show that you are not afraid to take initiative, and are fully aware of what is being asked of you. The business will respect this and will appreciate your attention to details.

    Research is the key

    The world of government tenders is ever changing. There are often new rules or policies being updated with the changing environment. It is very important to be well informed about all of these changes to be an active participant in the tendering world. For being clued on what is actually going, the key is researching.

    Researching will also help you find new online tenders that are also being updated from time to time on government tendering portals, and the only way to be awarded with that particular tender that you want, you need show that you are proactive in bidding for them and find them as soon as they are announced.

    Be opportunist, but realistically

    When you find the tender that you are looking for, just go for it. But not without considering all the factors, terms and conditions that come along with that tender. Some online tenders that may suit your business perfectly but might just be too large for a company your size to carry, or are located in an unfeasible location, or the conditions are different to what your business offers. It is important to ensure that the tender you want to pursue is the one that you can realistically meet the requirements of. If you don’t ensure this, then it can impact on your business unfavorably because there is a great probability that you won’t be able to fulfill the tender. Your reputation with the intended government department would tarnish and will reduce the goodwill in the market. And even when you will be able to complete the tender in future, the department will be hesitant to give it to you.

    Consult an expert

    It may be a lot of hassle when you start fresh. The easiest way is getting help from someone who are an expert or specializes in the bids preparing business. National Tenders, with a successful 9 years of experience in methodology and knowledge of the government tender world, will help you shed light on how to improve your success rate.

    Read More: - How to Win Government Tenders.