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    Stages of public procurement


    Stages of public procurement | 03 Sep, 2021

    Stages of public procurement

    If you want to grow your business substantially, you need to start bidding for government tenders. It is a very simple and easy way to take your business to the next level. Tenders are simply offersfor the supply of goods or to perform tasks. Public procurement is when a government department releases a tender and sellers bid to get that tender. When they get it, they provide their services and get paid by the government. These tenders follow certain guidelines which are set by the procurement department.

    There are three different stages of public procurement. These stages also stay the same more or less when it comes to private procurement. These stages make public procurement process highly structured. Every seller has to go through these steps which make them important to understand. Let’s see these stages of procurement in detail.

    Expression of interest to the buyer

    When you find out that you qualify for the tender that a buyer is issuing and you’re confident enoughthat you can meet his expectations, it is time to express interest to the buyer. This is what you call Expression of Interest. This is a fairly simple process to reach out to the buyer and request the full documentation regarding the tender. It is the first step from the seller towards getting a specific tender.

    Completion of Pre-Qualification Questionnaire

    The next stage of the process is completion of questionnaire. In this stage, government departments will send out a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire to all the interested sellers to stimulate the selection process. This questionnaire helps them know the sellers better and make an informed decision. It also helps them streamline the process of procurement from the sellers. To make the process simpler, the government has released a standardized Selection Questionnaire.

    Invitation to tender


    After stage two comes the invitation to tender. Questionnaire given by the government is assessed and analyzed properly by the concerned people. They are evaluated based on the set criteria for the given task or service. To increase the chance of winning, it is advisable to all the sellers to stick to the requirements. After evaluation, a tenderer will be selected and notified about it. If a seller gets to this stage successfully, he is in the buyer’s shortlist.

    Now after all these stages, you are one step away from winning a tender. You just need to submit your bid and the buying authority will select you based on their criteria. It is a lot to take in and understand. This is where a tender partner like National Tenders comes in. National Tenders takes care of all of these stages for you and help you get the tender you desire. They have a dedicated team of experts who provides end to end service. Contact National Tenders now.