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    Key Features You Must Know About GeM | National Tenders


    Key Features You Must Know About GeM | National Tenders | 14 Jul, 2022

    Key Features You Must Know About GeM | National Tenders

    GeM is the portal known as Government e-marketplace. It is a single, integrated platform for suppliers to submit tenders and for buyers to search, select and manage their contracts.

    Key Features You Must Know About GeM (Government E Marketplace)

    Government e marketplace was started to empower small scale businesses and be completely transparent in the entire procedure. Anyone can buy and sell products on this government platform by completing the registration and fulfilling the requirements.

    The government e market place is all set to launch its new version with all new features. The new features will be launched in September. The portal is all set to attract big buyers like defence and railways. As per the announcement of the new version, this will be a much smarter version than the existing one.

    Some of the new introductions with the new feature will be focussed on item wise bidding, price variations, quicker delivery.

    The GeM portal is also  looking into a way where the buyers can contact banks through the portal and the banks can sanction loans on the spot.

    Some of the new features that will be included in the 4.0 version of the GeM portal will include:

    • 1. New Bidding module- The bidding module will be redone for the GeM portal 4.0. It will be made easier for buyers with introduction to item wise bidding
    • 2. More small traders will be on board – More artisans, weavers and other small-scale workers and industries will be able to register on GeM. The portal is also making efforts to support more rural industries. 
    • 3. Efficient customer care – The portal is working on making their helpdesk more efficient, to be able to answer more queries of people timely.
    • 4. The GeM blockchain: The portal is working on better procurement of smart contracts and the functioning of this will be completely safe and secure
    • 5. Advance technology: The GeM portal will be introducing advanced training, AI, machine learning etc to keep up with the competitive environment.
    • 6. The User interface will be revamped: It will be made easier to use and hassle free for all
    • 7. Improved pricing: The portal will be introducing fair and competitive pricing for all the products along with parameters to do a thorough quality check. 
    • 8. Easy payments: The payments will be made easy for people on the platform with the latest technologies, this will in turn improve the sales on the platform. 
    • 9. The unified procurement system – this is going to help rationalise the pricing of products on the portal.
    • 10. Seller perks: If the sellers are able to deliver on time, have corrected catalogues etc, they will be gaining points and will be able to gain benefits from these.

    For any sort of information or guidance on tendering and about buying and selling on the GeM portal, contact our experts at National Tenders and let them take you through the entire process with extreme ease.