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    How to list products on Government e-Marketplace


    How to list products on Government e-Marketplace | 23 Jul, 2021

    How to list products on Government e-Marketplace

    You need to sign up on Government e-Marketplace right now. Why? Because it is a completely transformative and transparent platform launched by Indian Government. Any small seller or manufacturer from any corner of India can do business with buyers from anywhere in India. That is the beauty of this platform. He can also sell his goods and services to the reputed buyers from various government sectors or PSUs. And usually those government departments have a huge requirement for supplies. Their orders are also frequent so the relationship that builds with them lasts really long.

    Now the question is how to list your products on GeM. It is a very business-friendly platform so it shouldn’t be that difficult. It boasts a large number of sellers on the platform doing smart online procurement with Government Departments, Organizations and PSUs.Product listing process has various steps and you can do it only after successful approval. These steps might differ based on the type of GeM seller. Let us make it easy for you to list your products on this platform. These are the 5 common steps.

    Basic information

    The seller needs to provide basic information such as general specifications about the product. The specs are given below:

    • Product category and sub-category
    • Product name
    • Product description
    • Product Model
    • HSN Code
    • SKU id


    The seller also needs to specify the available stock of the product. This helps buyers place their order based on your available stock.

    Product price

    This is also an important factor. GeM requires the price of the product on it. The two types of prices are:

    • MRP
    • Offer Price

    Offer-Price must be 10% less than MRP

    Specific details

    These details include the technical information about the product such as:

    • Height
    • Weight
    • Size
    • Dimensions
    • Color

    These are the basic details. Any additional details must be entered separately.


    This is very essential for every seller. They have to upload very clear and if possible high resolution photos of the product. It is important that the photos give a clear view of the product. This helps buyers recognize the product.

    Product upload in GeM might seem a tiresome job. But it needs to be done diligently. Even if your product is better than every other product, it can get less orders if it has improper information. We offer a complete GeM service with a dedicated GeM account manager. Contact us for your GeMuploads now.