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Digital Signature Certificate and E Tendering Made Easy | National Tenders | 24 Dec, 2021
Digital Signature Certificate and E Tendering Made Easy | National Tenders
We sign physical documents with our signature whereas electronic documents need digital signature and getting a certificate authenticates your identity.
Digital Signature Certificate and E Tendering
Want to apply for a government tender online? You can not miss a crucial detail before applying. It is a digital signature certificate. As you know, bidding for government tenders has gone online. And it comes with its own set of advantages. The documents are uploaded and kept to a central site. The process is instant and transparent. eTendering or eProcurement has become quite popular since the last few years and rightfully so. This acceptance has come because of a great level of transparency it has brought to the whole system. Among many great advantages, one of the prominent one is that it allows buyers and bidders to connect all over the country. It has reduced geographical limitations and procurement cycles.
eProcurement helps streamline procurement processes from both buyer and sellers side. While it has solved a lot of problems, it does come with things which people did not need to deal with in the past. The process of documentation is online so there is a need for verification from the sellers side. This platform has made digital signature certificates essential for the procurement process. You might be wondering what a DSC is. Here is all you need to know about it.
What is a Digital Signature Certificate?
A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) has been made compulsory for sellers that want to sell their goods and services using the eTendering processes on different Government department websites. One of its most important features is that it enables the process of eTendering and makes it convenient and transparent for everyone. It also provides greater security in online transactions other than eProcurement. A seller who wants to apply for government tenders needs to have a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate registered in the name of a representative. This representative is a person who will authorize the submission of eTendering applications.
Benefits of Digital Signature Certificate
A Digital Signature Certificate basically authenticates your identity online. It is needed to make sure the transaction is done by you. Additionally, it provides security for online transactions by protecting the privacy of the information exchanged. It can also be used for encryption of information that you want only your recipient to read. You can use it to digitally sign information so that your recipient knows it has not been altered in the transit.
Where to use Digital Signature Certificate
You can use your DSC for secure email and web-based transactions such as in eTendering. You can also use it to identify other participants in web-based transactions. You can use it to prove ownership of a domain name as well. The broader uses include, eTendering documents, signing web forms, filing IT returns, accessing membership only websites automatically, etc.
DSC has a lot of benefits and the one that will be the most important to you is eTendering. It has been made compulsory by the government to use DSC for transactions for tenders. National Tenders provide Digital Signature Certificates which can be used very effectively in the eProcurement process. Contact us for DSC now.
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