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    7 Tips To Keep In Mind Before Filling Out A Tender


    7 Tips To Keep In Mind Before Filling Out A Tender | 06 Mar, 2023

    7 Tips To Keep In Mind Before Filling Out A Tender

    The online tendering process is super competitive. Many businesses participate and present their best foot forward. Thus it is important to stand out from the rest of the bidders. But in doing so, often many businesses tend to make blunders in these tender documents, be it small or big, and cause many businesses to lose the tender.

    Thus, it becomes very important to keep a check on every document before submitting it. In this blog, we shall discuss 7 things that you should keep in mind before filling out for a tender, to make sure you are eligible and can easily win that particular government tender!

    1. Be self aware

    Be aware of your business specifically. There are various tenders out there, but not all the tenders are for your business. There are certain requirements that your company might be able to fulfill, and it is completely alright! It is better if you don’t participate in a bid, knowing that you can’t fulfill it, than not completing it at all. And even if you do submit your tender proposal, if the evaluation team finds you ineligible, it will only drop your reputation in their books. Thus, it is important to be familiarized with your business before participating in a bidding process.

    2. What are you being asked?

    The first thing to look for, and it is the most basic thing, is what are you being asked. The understanding here is:

      • What is the layout of the government tender?
      • What is the asked deadline?
      • Costings,

    And many more.

    Learn everything about the bid evaluation criteria. Most of all, pay a keen attention to the questions asked, and answer each of them significantly.

    3. Organizing skill is your best friend

    Listings are already requested in tender. Make sure to order your documents in the same way it had been requested. Arrange your documents according to how they’ve been listed/requested in the tender and ensure that the most relevant documents are in the right place in your proposal bid. This not only makes it easier for the evaluation team, but also makes you stand out.

    4. Past Experiences

    If you have any past experiences, show it in your tender documents. References are a great helping hand in winning an online tender. It provides some sort of reassurance to the tender issuer that you can deliver the job that is being asked. It also works as a proof to show that you can work on a project of such magnitude, and can complete it in the alloted time limit. By attaching the references, you make sure that the procurement team knows that there are other clients that could vouch for your work.

    5. Proofreading

    What is the point of all of the above work if your tender document is going to be rejected just because of some grammatical error or if you by mistake forget a 0 in your numbers? Thus, when the drafting of a tender document is completed, ensure that you proofread it carefully, that too. Pay attention to details, like numbers, as it is easy to have an extra or a less 0. And grammatical errors really do not showcase a good impression. Proofreading will also help in noticing if you have everything in check.

    6. Notarize the proposal

    Many times, some tenders get disqualified because the documents are not notarized. There are certain documents and forms in the tender proposal that need to be certified or notarized. Make a note of such documents and make sure they get certified before submitting your proposal. This is a mandatory evaluation requirement, and it can result in disqualification in the technical bid evaluation only.

    7. Keep deadline in mind

    Your all of the above efforts will go in vain if you don’t submit the proposal in time! Waiting till the very last minute is a common occurrence, and that is one of the key reasons for disqualification. When you wait till the last minute, you do not have enough time to proofread. Do not make the mistake of late submission, as there is little to no chance of it even being accepted.

    Read More - 5 major things to stay away from while bidding on tenders